What are CSS selectors?

How to use CSS selectors?

CSS selectors

CSS selectors define a pattern to select particular element or a group of element to give particular styles to that element. Following the different types of selectors:

  1. Universal selector
  2. Individual selector
  3. Class and id selector
  4. and selector (chained)
  5. Combined selector
  6. Inside an element
  7. Direct Child
  8. sibling

Universal selector

Universal selector selects all the elements present in html code file.

/* Selects all elements */
* {
    background-color: #4d4d4d;

Individual selector

It is used to style a single element at a time.

 p {
    background-color: rgba(134, 198, 190, 0.933);
li {
    background-color: rgb(110, 107, 107);

Class and id selector

Class selector can used to select multiple elements at a time which are given the same class name.

Syntax: .classname

While ids are supposed to be unique.

Syntax: #idname

/* class and id selector */
    background-color: #ef9323;
    color: #fff;
    color: rgb(209, 53, 32);
    background-color: rgb(253, 249, 249);

Combined Selector

And combined is used when we have to select more than element. While selecting different elements they are written by comma separated names of that element.

Syntax: element1, element2

/* commbined selector */
h1, h3{
    color: #9da3e4;

Inside an element

Inside an element is used when we have a chain of element which are written one element within another element and so on.

div ul li{
    background-color: rgb(165, 188, 89);

Direct Child

Direct child is an element which is present just within that element. there may me more than one direct child elements which may present on same dom level.

Syntax: parentElement > childElement

/* direct child */
div > li{
    background-color: rgb(103, 61, 163);


The ~ or + combinator selects siblings. This means that the second element follows the first and both share the same parent.

Syntax: A ~ B

Syntax: A + B

/* sibling ~ or + */
.sibling + p {
    background-color: rgb(222, 170, 178);

Example Code:

Sample of code is uploaded on gitHub. Kindly go and have a look on to it.


Sample output:

Screenshot 2022-11-13 194316.png